Hedgehog Hazards

The Garden Compost Heap

A gardeners friend - the compost heap is great for soil enrichment, but it’s also a great place for hedgehogs to nest, especially amongst grass clippings, leaves and twigs. So, before you dig your garden fork in, have a thorough check for signs of hedgehogs.

Ponds & Swimming Pools

A garden pond can make a fantastic addition to your garden, providing an opportunity to encourage and observe a diverse range of wildlife. It also provides the chance to educate and encourage children to develop an interest in wildlife. Hedgehogs are great swimmers but they need a form of ramp in deep areas and a shallow area at least to one side, in order to climb out of the water if they fall in.

Who doesn’t love a swimming pool? To prevent hedgehogs from drowning, ensure they have a means to get out or keep your pool covered when not in use.


A pile of wood, brush, leaves and cardboard provides a very enticing nesting opportunity for hedgehogs to sleep or hibernate in. It can be difficult to thoroughly check if hedgehogs are present in your bonfire, so it’s best to have all your materials ready nearby and assemble your bonfire on the day of lighting.

Pesticides & Chemicals

The use of slug pellets may poison hedgehogs. Also, as well as killing pests, garden pesticides and chemicals can kill the beneficial insects that help to naturally protect our vegetable gardens and may also inadvertently, kill pollinators.

Netting & Electric Fences

Hedgehogs can easily become entangled in netting, especially when it separates areas they are trying to access. Ensure unused netting is stored away and any netting protecting vegetables, placed at a height sufficient to allow hedgehogs to pass under - after all you want to encourage these marvellous natural pest controllers into your vegetable garden! Electric fences should be checked before, each time they are switched on.


Dogs especially, can cause serious injuries to hedgehogs. If you have visiting hedgehogs, accompany your pet into the garden when you let them out at night.

Strimmers, Mowers & Garden Tools

Many of us like to get outside and tackle the garden on a sunny day. Garden tools and machinery can cause serious and often, fatal injuries to hedgehogs. Remember to check the area you are working in for hedgehogs. Leaving a wild area even if you only have a small garden, not only may encourage hedgehogs, but other beneficial wildlife too.


The Plight Of The Leopard


Hedgehogs Need Room To Roam